Green Globe Award Green Urja

Fresh water management – The Need Of The Hour For a Sustainable Future

Water is the lifeline for the existence of living beings on earth. The fresh or drinking water resource is very limited and the skewed geographical distribution makes it one of the primary life support for many water-scarce countries. India surely is one of those countries where freshwater availability is not as per the requirement of its vast population. Further, the economic growth and aspirations make water as one of the important natural resources which need to be managed well to have a sustainable future. Considering the fact that, the freshwater availability is limited, the only feasible option is to reduce the consumption, recycling and reusing the water.

Sadly, nowadays many parts of the world is facing major water crisis. The reasons are;

❖      Water availability is limited. Excessive domestic and industrial use has caused a scarcity of water.

❖      Gigantic population growth and urbanization play a main role in this crisis.

❖      Natural Replenishment of water sources are not enough to fulfill the needs

❖      The industrialization has polluted and contaminated potable water resources such as rivers, lakes, etc.

❖      Severe droughts and extreme climate conditions have also contributed to this scarcity.

Water Management: It would be the mechanism of evolving various methods of managing the freshwater sources and managing the usage in such a way that the water availability is sustained for generations. Water management includes planning, developing, distributing and managing the optimal use of water resources. Various methods used for water management is given as under;

Supply Side Management:

Rainwater harvesting: Collection and storage of rainwater which is supposed to runoff is called Rainwater harvesting (RWH). Rainwater is collected from a collecting surface such as roof or open ground and then directed to a tank, cistern, deep pit (well, shaft, or borehole), aquifer, or a reservoir with percolation. The water then can be used for different purposes.

Groundwater recharge: Increasing the groundwater supplies artificially increases the amount of water that enters an aquifer through human-controlled means. This can be done using conveyances such as infiltration basins, trenches, dams, or injection wells is called groundwater recharge. This will help in matching the rate of withdrawals to match the rate of replenishment of the aquifers.

Desalination: Desalination is the process of making the saline water drinkable through evaporation and condensation techniques. This refers to the removal of salts and minerals from saltwater such as seawater. This can be a potential technique to provide drinkable water in water-scarce coastal areas near.

Demand Side Management;

Drip irrigation: Drip irrigation is the method of slowly dripping the water to the roots of plants, either from above the soil surface or buried below the surface. It has the potential to save water and nutrients by allowing water directly to the root so as to minimize wastage and evaporation.

Reuse of Water; The theory of bringing already used water to mainstream works on the process of recycling or reclamation of water, its treatment through various water treatment technologies, and then making it useful for reuse in irrigation, agriculture, industries, groundwater restock, replenishing, and most importantly potable water supply. The following methods are used for reusing of water;

Greywater: Greywater is gently used water from your bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines which can be used for gardening or irrigation purpose.

Sewage water treatment: It is the process of separating contaminants wastewater, containing mainly household sewage plus some industrial wastewater generated in municipal areas or industrial units. Various physical, chemical, and biological processes are deployed for removal of contaminants and separate usable treated wastewater which is safe enough for irrigation purposes.


Depending on the application various water management methods must be adopted to preserve these precious life-supporting resources. An integrated approach must be adopted by Govt. and civil society to preserve our water sources and sensibly use the water in our household works as well as industrial applications.

Reuse water technology has emerged as an important tool globally. It has become the non-traditional source of potable water worldwide. Water recycling and reuse is a rapidly growing industry and top-most companies are in this sector. They offer economical and eco-friendly water purifiers. The water which is reused is domestic and industrial wastewater.

The water can be reused in agricultural activities like irrigation and plantation. Municipal corporations can use it as a potable water supply. This water can be reused in the maintenance of parks, grasses, and greenery. It can also be used for mills, factories, refineries, and power plants. Construction sites can use this water for mixing concrete and dust control. Municipalities can reuse water for surface cleaning of roads.

Role of CRESPAI in Sustainability & Water Resource management

CRESPAI is a non-profit organization registered as a society with the mission of bridging the gap between all stakeholders in renewable energy policy, production, distribution, and consumption in India.

We help organizations working on making better use of water for a brighter future.

Green Globe Award Green Urja Solar Energy Uncategorized

One Day Power Outage For Industries As Power Holidays Declared By The Andhra Pradesh Government!

Green Globe Awards

As per an official report, the state of Andhra Pradesh is facing an approx of 40-50 MU deficit per day and therefore, with effect from April 08, 2022 to April 22, 2022, there will be a one-day power outage scheduled once a week for the industries in the advancement of power holidays. This will be happening for the first time in the state after bifurcation.

According to Harnath Rao, the Chairman and Managing Director for Southern Power Distribution Corporation Limited, the scheduled power cuts are going to be implemented for industries that come under SPDCL in the state. A list of 253 processing industries is being advised to consume only 50% of their needed electricity requirements.

Harnath Rao further added, that power holidays in the form of one day power cut in a week is announced for 1696 industries. In his statement he urged all the owners of the industries to opt for a one day power holiday in addition to the weekly holiday. This will be implemented and in force for all the industries from the 8th April to 22nd April, he also explained.

This action of power outage came as unavoidable and as a necessary measure in order to meet the shortage between demand and supply of power in the state, as said by Harnath Rao.

Also, the electricity distribution companies are also facing a hard time to supply nine hours of power distribution to agriculture sector and there is also an urgent need to uninterrupted power supply to commercial as well as domestic customers.

As per the official report of an electricity supply official, around 253 million units of electricity were consumed on 1st April and there was a purchase of 64 million units from the outside markets. According to the data, there has been a drastic increase in the consumption and demand of power supply as compared to last few couple of years. Also, there is a big shortage and deficit of 40-50 MU units in the electricity supply faced on a daily basis.

Therefore, this power outage measure by Andhra Pradesh Government can surely come as a rescue in times of this increasing gap between the demand and supply of electricity in the state.

Green Globe Award

What is Green Urja Conclave & Green Awards?

On 5th June, This World Environment Day, Lets Acknowledge The Exemplary & Profound Contribution Made in The Field Of Green Energy With the Green Awards Globe Awards & Green Urja Conclave By CRESPAI

At Crespai (Confederation of Renewable Energy Service Professionals & Industries), we are envisioned and driven with an earnest passion to make India an ideal destination that potentially becomes a capable platform to conserve and enhance our natural resources.

It is imperative that sustainable development is the next future and the Green Globe Awards is the right manifesto specifically designed to award institutions, government organizations, educational institutions that are consistently delivering and demonstrating an amazing contribution that is furthermore creating the right impact, vision, innovation and a long term vision towards green energy.

What Makes Green Globe Awards An Important Initiative?

  • The green awards is directly aimed to create awareness and education among the young generation as well as businesses, organizations, individuals and society about the significance and value to create a better sustainable developed society at large that works with the ethics of green renewable energy.
  • It will help businesses and individuals gain the right recognition and credit for the amazing contribution and achievement in protecting, safeguarding and unleashing the desired potential of Green energy and its vast capabilities.
  • It will be an astounding opportunity to have your contribution in the field green energy and sustainable development get reviewed and acknowledged by our esteemed experts of the judging panel.
  • Showcase your passion to make this world greener and cleaner and get the right recognition from your peers and gain a competitive edge against your competitors as well as the society at large.

Be A Part Of The New Age Green Revolution- An Initiative Driven By The Crespai

Passionate to Change The Award Landscape of Future Green Energy!

We have crafted a high profile selection committee that will bring out the best be selecting the best performers in their chosen fields.

At Crespai, we believe that sheer excellence in varied categories of Green energy shall always be acknowledged, given credit and awarded to encourage and upgrade the good and socially relevant work delivering in the green segment.

Crespai Green Awards will consider the selection of institutions, individuals and green innovators who have made exemplary contributions to the chosen field of green energy and thus created for new green society at large.


Who All Can Be A Part Of This Mega Green Event?

  • Senior Government/ Ministry Officials
  • RE industry Experts
  • Start Ups in RE Industry
  • Financial/Funding Agencies
  • NGO’s
  • Research & Development Agencies
  • Component Manufacturers & Service Professionals

How Yaou Can Be The One- The Selection Process

  • The awardees will be nominated or selected by our esteemed list of green experts and judges specially constituted by the CRESPAI.
  • If required, the selection committee of the “Awards Selection” shall also undertake a field visit to get the first hand knowledge of achievements and contribution claimed by the nominator/ reader or awards committee.
  • The CRESPAI team has conducted extensive research with independent panel members to prepare a final list of the Awardees.

Come Be A Part & Witness This New Greener & Cleaner Earth Initiative!

Let Us Collectively Thanks & Recognize The Contributions & Astounding Efforts By Organizations & Individuals in Renewable Energy Sector.

Green Globe Award

The deadline for ALMM compliance for open access and net metering projects has been extended by MNRE

The deadline for ALMM compliance for open access and net metering projects has been extended by MNRE

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has given much-needed assistance to open-access projects by extending the ALMM-listed Solar PV modules deadline from April 1, 2022, to October 1, 2022. It solves the C&I segment’s main worry before the end of the current financial year.

“Accordingly, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has decided to enlist the eligible models and manufacturers of solar PV cells and modules that comply with the BIS Standards and publish them in a list called the “Approved List of Models and Manufacturers,” according to the amended provision (ALMM).

Only the models and manufacturers on this list will be allowed to be used in Government Projects, Government-assisted Projects, Projects under Government Schemes and Programs, and Open Access I Net Metering projects throughout the country, including Projects set up for the sale of electricity to the government under the Central Government’s Guidelines.

The Honourable Delhi High Court had previously sought clarification from MNRE on their provisions to protect ongoing projects. The extension of ALMM could negatively influence projects under open access and net metering in response to a petition filed by the Distributed Solar Power Association (DiSPA). Developers hope that the Ministry will postpone the amendment’s adoption for at least a year to protect ongoing projects.

The ALMM list was updated again by MNRE in March of this year. There are 46 firms on the most recent list. ECE Energies Private Limited (50 MW), Rayzon Green Energies (200 MW), Lubi Electronics (125 MW), Kosol Energie Private Limited (171 MW), and Citizen Solar Private Limited are among the newcomers in the market.