Green Globe Award Green Urja Solar Energy

Rajasthan Becomes the First 10 GW Solar State

Green Urja Awards
Green Urja Awards

As the nation began to recover from the COVID-19 epidemic, delayed projects were restarted, and new projects were put out to bid throughout the country. Thermal energy contributed the most to total energy consumption in the first quarter of fiscal year 2021-22, but the percentage of renewables increased in each of the following quarters, primarily to solar power installations.

According to Mercom’s India Solar Project Tracker, Rajasthan has become the first state in India to achieve 10 GW of cumulative large-scale solar installations, a significant milestone. The state has a total of 32.5 GW of installed power capacity, with renewables accounting for 55% of that capacity, followed by thermal energy accounting for 43% and nuclear energy accounting for the remaining 2% of total installed capacity.

Rajasthan has some of the greatest levels of sun irradiation in the nation, as well as other beneficial conditions such as land availability and a low incidence of power outages. These favourable circumstances have also prompted other states, like as Maharashtra, to establish power-generation plants in Rajasthan in order to meet their energy needs.

Other notable projects include those built by the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), as well as those established under the Rajasthan State Solar Policy. Solar energy is the most prevalent source, accounting for around 36 percent of total power capacity and 64 percent of renewable energy capacity today.

Following the Supreme Court decision, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy issued a notification in February 2022 stating that all renewable energy projects currently under construction, whether wholly or partially located within the priority or potential territory of the GIB, would be granted a 30-day extension on the scheduled date of commissioning following the judgement. The commissioning of projects that have been delayed owing to the non-completion of project transmission infrastructure is included in this category.

Approximately 16 GW of solar projects are under construction or planned in Rajasthan, according to Mercom’s India Solar Project Tracker. The total amount of SECI-awarded projects is 11.6 GW, with 6.2 GW of it being interstate transmission system (ISTS) developments. Installations rose despite the fact that numerous projects were halted as a result of the Great Indian Bustard (GIB) problem.

This year, Rajasthan released its Solar Energy Policy 2019, which aims to achieve the state’s 30-gigatonne (GW) solar energy target by the fiscal year 2024-25. Utility-scale or grid-scale solar parks will account for 24 GW of this total, distributed production will account for 4 GW, and rooftop solar and solar pumps will contribute for 1 GW apiece.

Recently, the state-owned THDC India signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) to develop 10 GW of solar power projects in Rajasthan via a 74:36 joint venture with Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Limited, including an investment of 100 billion (about $1.33 billion) in total.





Green Globe Award Green Urja Solar Energy

TEDA to Install Solar System to Generate 10 MW Power on Government Office Rooftops

Green Energy

The Tamil Nadu Energy Development Authority (TEDA) plans to put solar panels on the rooftops of government buildings in order to generate 10 MW of power. Solar panels at TEDA cost Rs 45,000 per kilowatt and generate 5 units of power, according to the organization’s officials.

More than 330 institutions in the state have solar panels thanks to the TEDA’s work. 1.5 MW is its total installed capacity. The project is expected to cost Rs. 50 crore when completed. The tendering procedure will be completed by May.

Some government departments are reluctant to put solar panels on roofs because of a shortage of funding, according to the authority’s request to the government. These divisions should be supported by the federal government. Proposals to put solar panels on the rooftops of government buildings have already been filed to the administration.

Senior TEDA official told us that surplus electricity can be connected to the common power system and subsidies for solar power can be employed. Taking a political choice and coordinating with other agencies and authorities is essential.

Solar energy and other renewable sources are supported by the government, according to Tamil Nadu’s electricity minister Senthil Balaji, who spoke to media. The power department is now undertaking a thorough investigation and due diligence on the production of electricity and the connection of surplus electricity to the common grid. In the next days, we will review all of the information and make a policy decision.


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Green Globe Award Green Urja Solar Energy

1 MW Solar Power Gets Completed In Indonesia By Alam Nix Renewables & Shizen Energy Group!

An approximately of 1MW solar power plant has been set up in Indonesia by ventures of Shizen Energy Group (Shizen Inc) and Alam Nix Renewables Pte.. Limited (ANR).

The completion ceremony was held in Indonesia on April 19th 2022 and was attended by the Deputy Ambassador of Embassy of Switzerland Mr. Philip Strub, Vice Minister of Embassy of Japan in Indonesia Mr. Masami Tamura and other honorable guests.

Shizen Energy and ANR have mutually collaborated and established PT ATW Alam Hijau (AAH). It is a local subsidiary and has been installed in collaboration with the ATW Group. ATW Group is responsible for handling in the sales department of the solar power plant generation resources equipment and the development and construction of solar power plants. With its effective operation in the field, AAH aims to develop and expand the solar power plant generation business in Indonesia.

This solar power plant is established on the land lying adjacent to the PT. Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari’s (APL) distribution facility in Cikarang, West Java and is installed by AAH. In addition to this, another company of APL, which is a group company of Swiss health care corporation Zuellig Pharma, has also a prime logistics facility in Cikarang which is in the industrial park and is responsible to distribute the resources and materials. However, it shall also be noted that the electricity generated through this solar power plant shall be utilized and consumed by the APL.

In an official statement on the same Christophe Piganiol, President Director of APL, said that, “APL plays an active role in prioritizing the value of sustainability in business. APL will continue to collaborate with strategic parties to achieve ambition in our sustainability mission with other initiatives.”

Also from another press release issued from APL, it stated that, “With the spirit to provide the best for future generations, APL strives to develop sustainability pillars. With addition to this, it is further added that Cikarang NDC facility, APL is also preparing for the successful installation of solar power panels for APL Medan and it is all targeted to get finalized and be completed by the year 2022. With these green earth measures and also through other Sustainability programs by APL, it is hoping that APL can bring in a significant and positive impact on the environment.”

With an aim to work for better earth, APL is aiming to reduce the major electricity costs by using the cost –competitive and clean renewable energy without making initial investments. In addition to this, it will further work by switching some percent of its electricity consumption to sustainable renewable energy sources. Also, the APL is aiming to contribute to the effective reduction and consumption of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in all its business activities and further similar uses. However, this whole solar panel power project is expected to produce an approx of 1,089MWh of power per year and also effectively reduce the GHG emissions by an approx of 669t-CO2 per year. Also, it shall also be noted that, the Indonesian government has further declared that from now on, the country will work to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, and this solar project can also be an aid and contributing factor in order to achieve this goal sustainably.

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Green Globe Award Green Urja Solar Energy

States Can Import Coal For Blending Up To 10% to Meet The Rising Power Demand As Allowed By Ministry!

With the substantial increase in power and electricity supply for the coming few weeks and estimation for its further increase in demand, the union power ministry has now recommended the direct import for coal blending by up to 10% to make sure that we have an adequate supply of power and supply.

The ministry has also further allowed the tolling of coal which in short means that the electricity producers with an access to coal near a plant can now directly transport it rather than being dependent to transport it from mines at a faraway location.

The measure has followed that all coal inventories are dropping their lowest pre summer level of 9 years and therefore the power demand for supply is expected to increase at a much faster pace of 38 years.

As per the official statement issued by the Ministry, it stated that now coal tolling will be allowed all state power generating companies (gencos) to make sure that there is optimal utilization of coal. It said that, “In order to avoid long-distance coal transport in respect of certain state gencos, tolling facility would be allowed up to 25 percent of linkage coal”.

The tolling module will allow the gencos to utilize coal from the nearest linkages available to them for supplying them to the independent electricity producer on a competitive bidding process. It will help the independent electricity producer to effectively produce power and supply it further to the states which has originally coal linkage.

The official statement of the Ministry further stated that “The minister took a review of the operations of imported coal-based plants and directed all the procurer states to ensure that all Imported Coal Based (ICB) plants are operational at fair and reasonable tariffs. Therefore it was then decided that it will all help to resolve all the operational issues in the ICB plants and make them fully and better functional,” the statement said.

Also, with the ever rising demand for power and to fight back this challenge it is best recommended for all gencos that they shall make it a point to import coal with blending for up to a limit of 10%. The genco wise and state wise targets are already fixed and there is a strict urge to meet the timely delivery of coal for coal blending purposes before the raging demand increase in power supply at the onset of monsoon season.

In an addition to this, the government and ministry is looking for ways to avoid a repetition of last year when most of the big states saw power cuts due to depleting coal stocks. During this time of the year, it is working on its ways and finding different aspects of the supply chain of fuel as power supplies may have not been able to meet up with the increasing and growing demand and it is no doubt the international coal prices also continue to soar.

With 75 percent of India’s electricity is generated through thermal power, the government is working with a priority to increase supplies to the electricity and power sector and allow other sectors to push and scale-up output from their captive electricity power plants.

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Green Globe Award Green Urja

To Promote Green Hydrogen John Cockerill Will Set Up 2 Electrolyser Giga Factories

Green Globe Awards

After three months of tie-up between Belgium’s John Cockerill and Greenco, the company has now finalized for 50:50 joint venture for setting up two alkaline electrolyzer factories of a high volume of a gigawatt each in India in the coming 12 to 18 months. This deal is strategically driven to make the availability of hydrogen at a lower cost to industries. With an estimation of $500 million investment, this facility is expected to come out on the east coast and as per people associated and known in this deal, it will be one of the world’s largest after China till date.

GreenKo ZeroC (GKC) is a well-known subsidiary of the Greenko Group and Jon Cockerill is an established and leading manufacturer & designer of high volume capacity alkaline electrolysers and both the companies have said to have signed the deal on Monday as said in the joint statement. This great deal of placing 2GW electrolyser factories is expected to potentially help India’s Liquefied Natural Gas overall imports by an approx of 8%.

As per the official data & analytics, India is currently 55% of LNG requirements from countries like Australia and Qatar and 85% of its natural gas requirements are met. With the recent price hike in natural gas prices relating to the Russia and Ukraine War, it is all known that the Brent crude prices has skyrocketed the market and jumped to an above of  $130 barrel. Additionally, the price of LNG in the spot market has also hiked from $6 per million metrics.

India is a major and big fuel importer and these new initiatives in energy consumption and the transition has surely got bigger energy security threat, implications and issues like long-term price stability in the country.

Therefore to directly address this issue, Anil Chalamalasetty, Greenko’s CEO  & MD has said that “Greenko is working towards re-industrialization solutions for a low-carbon economy. We are partnering with a world-class technology partner in John Cockerill and will jointly develop large-scale green molecule projects in India, which will accelerate the creation of a hydrogen economy.”

This great business partnership with Greenko will help us to contribute and promote to India’s sub-continent emergence as a new green energy hub,” said Raphael Tilot, CEO of Renewables, John Cockerill. He further added that “The fight against climate change is part of our mission and as India and neighboring countries have big abundant natural resources, a large domestic market and the potential to cater to the growth of this market regionally and globally.”

Furthermore, Greenko is also planning to effectively use its 50GW/hr pumped mega hydroelectric energy storage capacity that will come up in Andhra Pradesh to provide the firm a reliable and most needed  24×7 green power supply to overcome and challenge the intermittent nature of wind and solar power generation.

Also, the setting up of giga factories will help in supplying electrolysers to Greenko’s 4 million tonnes of green ammonia plant that is strictly aimed to cater and abide to the fertilizer sector, and to provide help to other green hydrogen facilities as well such as industrial users like chemical complexes or refineries.

As per a report by TERI, in the year 2020, India’s over all hydrogen demand stood at 6 million tones for the year but a 5 fold jump to 28 MT by 2050 is expected to be seen, and it can go almost double of the current levels by the year 2030. 80 per cent of the overall hydrogen demand is also expected to be going green in nature with mega users like refining and chemical and fertilizing sectors being the two largest user groups which are currently dependent on the grey hydrogen produced from using the fossil fuels such as naptha and natural gas. Prices too are expected to get halve in the next coming decades. And sensing this big business opportunity and investment, big industry giants such as Adani Group and reliance industries are thinking of coming up with a firm and solid hydrogen strategy.


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Green Globe Award Green Urja

Fresh water management – The Need Of The Hour For a Sustainable Future

Water is the lifeline for the existence of living beings on earth. The fresh or drinking water resource is very limited and the skewed geographical distribution makes it one of the primary life support for many water-scarce countries. India surely is one of those countries where freshwater availability is not as per the requirement of its vast population. Further, the economic growth and aspirations make water as one of the important natural resources which need to be managed well to have a sustainable future. Considering the fact that, the freshwater availability is limited, the only feasible option is to reduce the consumption, recycling and reusing the water.

Sadly, nowadays many parts of the world is facing major water crisis. The reasons are;

❖      Water availability is limited. Excessive domestic and industrial use has caused a scarcity of water.

❖      Gigantic population growth and urbanization play a main role in this crisis.

❖      Natural Replenishment of water sources are not enough to fulfill the needs

❖      The industrialization has polluted and contaminated potable water resources such as rivers, lakes, etc.

❖      Severe droughts and extreme climate conditions have also contributed to this scarcity.

Water Management: It would be the mechanism of evolving various methods of managing the freshwater sources and managing the usage in such a way that the water availability is sustained for generations. Water management includes planning, developing, distributing and managing the optimal use of water resources. Various methods used for water management is given as under;

Supply Side Management:

Rainwater harvesting: Collection and storage of rainwater which is supposed to runoff is called Rainwater harvesting (RWH). Rainwater is collected from a collecting surface such as roof or open ground and then directed to a tank, cistern, deep pit (well, shaft, or borehole), aquifer, or a reservoir with percolation. The water then can be used for different purposes.

Groundwater recharge: Increasing the groundwater supplies artificially increases the amount of water that enters an aquifer through human-controlled means. This can be done using conveyances such as infiltration basins, trenches, dams, or injection wells is called groundwater recharge. This will help in matching the rate of withdrawals to match the rate of replenishment of the aquifers.

Desalination: Desalination is the process of making the saline water drinkable through evaporation and condensation techniques. This refers to the removal of salts and minerals from saltwater such as seawater. This can be a potential technique to provide drinkable water in water-scarce coastal areas near.

Demand Side Management;

Drip irrigation: Drip irrigation is the method of slowly dripping the water to the roots of plants, either from above the soil surface or buried below the surface. It has the potential to save water and nutrients by allowing water directly to the root so as to minimize wastage and evaporation.

Reuse of Water; The theory of bringing already used water to mainstream works on the process of recycling or reclamation of water, its treatment through various water treatment technologies, and then making it useful for reuse in irrigation, agriculture, industries, groundwater restock, replenishing, and most importantly potable water supply. The following methods are used for reusing of water;

Greywater: Greywater is gently used water from your bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines which can be used for gardening or irrigation purpose.

Sewage water treatment: It is the process of separating contaminants wastewater, containing mainly household sewage plus some industrial wastewater generated in municipal areas or industrial units. Various physical, chemical, and biological processes are deployed for removal of contaminants and separate usable treated wastewater which is safe enough for irrigation purposes.


Depending on the application various water management methods must be adopted to preserve these precious life-supporting resources. An integrated approach must be adopted by Govt. and civil society to preserve our water sources and sensibly use the water in our household works as well as industrial applications.

Reuse water technology has emerged as an important tool globally. It has become the non-traditional source of potable water worldwide. Water recycling and reuse is a rapidly growing industry and top-most companies are in this sector. They offer economical and eco-friendly water purifiers. The water which is reused is domestic and industrial wastewater.

The water can be reused in agricultural activities like irrigation and plantation. Municipal corporations can use it as a potable water supply. This water can be reused in the maintenance of parks, grasses, and greenery. It can also be used for mills, factories, refineries, and power plants. Construction sites can use this water for mixing concrete and dust control. Municipalities can reuse water for surface cleaning of roads.

Role of CRESPAI in Sustainability & Water Resource management

CRESPAI is a non-profit organization registered as a society with the mission of bridging the gap between all stakeholders in renewable energy policy, production, distribution, and consumption in India.

We help organizations working on making better use of water for a brighter future.