
India Taking Leap Forward In Renewable Energy

Recently, India’s Ministry of Renewable Energy has signed an ambitious strategic partnership agreement with IREA in the field of renewable energy. Currently, India is already amongst the fastest adopters of renewable energy with installed capacity of over 100 GW.


Under this partnership, IRENA will facilitate knowledge sharing from India on scaling-up renewable energy and clean energy technologies as well as support India’s efforts to advance cost-effective decarbonisation through the development of domestic green hydrogen. Main focus will be given to green hydrogen’s potential role in India’s energy transition journey with exploring export opportunities in coming future.


India has been among the torch bearers when it comes to advocating for energy transition. Whether it is about initiating International Solar Alliance(ISA) or keeping a ambitious target of 500 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030.


“India is a renewable energy powerhouse and a country whose energy transition actions speak louder than their words,” said Francesco La Camera IRENA Director-General.


With tremendous renewable energy potential as well as commitment towards clean energy, India has long way to go. This partnership can hopefully act as right step forward in achieving India’s commitment towards clean and green energy.


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